Coordinated School Health

Coordinated School Health

Our Mission: 

To improve students' health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities, and schools.

"Now is the time for our schools to bring together innovative programs to promote health and wellness among staff and students.  Our main focus is to improve the lives of our youth by remembering that children must be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy."

Where health and academics merge to create student success!

Coordinated School Health-Tennessee Department of Education

You are invited to join our Healthy Schools Teams!

Lincoln County Schools are continuously looking for parents and community members to serve on our Healthy Schools Teams.  These teams meet periodically to review the health and wellness policies and practices at each school.  If you would like to serve as part of the Healthy School Team at your child's school please call their school directly or Lincoln County Schools Coordinated School Health office at (931)251-3220.

Coordinated School Health

Know The Difference-Severe Thunderstorm Watch vs Warning

Tornado Watch vs Warning

Severe Weather Preparedness Week

Coordinated School Health Resources and Services


Healthy Students Do Better in School

Apps Parents Should Know

DANGERS OF VAPING: What Parents Need to Know in 2024

What you need to know about MEASLES.

Raising Digitally Responsible Youth What do we need to know as parents/caregivers to protect our children and teach them responsible and appropriate uses of technology?

Nutrition Assessment 2022-2023

The Healthy School Teams in each school met and completed the School Health Index Nutrition Module. Below are the results from each school.

Blanche School : Strengths: Provides a variety of healthy choices. Staff provides a clean environment to eat meals. Staff prepares food with safe methods. Needs: Unable to provide free breakfast to all students. Teachers reinforce healthy food choices as time allows.

Flintville School: Strengths: Students have a variety of choices with breakfast and lunch. Staff is trained and prepared. Cafeteria is clean and safe. Needs: No outside venues or collaborations.

Highland Rim School: Strengths: School lunch program. Multiple alternative points of sale are available. There is a variety of offerings available for meals and healthy food purchasing/preparation practices all in place. Smarter lunchroom techniques are used to promote healthy food/beverage choices. Adequate time is given to eat meals. Yearly continuing education and training all required. Food safety training is covered. Preparedness for food emergencies is covered. Needs: Some but not all strategies are in place to maximize participation in school breakfast program. There are no venues outside of the cafeteria that offer fruits and veggies. There is minimal collaboration between school nutrition services staff members and teachers. A clean, safe, pleasant environment is provided as much as possible. The school is implementing some farm to school activities.

Lincoln County High School: Strengths: Great breakfast and lunch programs. Plenty of time to have meals. Cafeteria is well maintained and very clean. Staff is friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. Staff is trained in food safety. Good variety of food that our students will eat. Needs: We don't have consistent venues outside the cafeteria that offer fruits and vegetables. We would like to incorporate more farm to school choices. We need more options for grab and go.

South Lincoln School: Strengths: Offer a variety of choices at lunch. Maintain a clean and orderly cafeteria. Needs: Provide students with healthy options outside of the cafeteria and throughout the day. Provide accessible vending machines with healthy options. Work with local extension office to provide farm to table experiences.

Unity School: Strengths: The school offers breakfast and lunch daily. Strategies are used to maximize participation. Needs: Offer opportunity for students to have options or substitutions for meals.