Tennessee Family Resource Centers Will:
Engage schools and community stakeholders to identify barriers hindering the social, personal, physical and academic wellbeing of students.
Empower students and families by providing high-quality service.
Evolve as district leaders by serving as a hub of effective social service and mental health supports.
The Lincoln County Family Resource Center Will:
Provide support and services to Lincoln County school students and their families to ensure their success and resilience. By working in conjunction with school staff, community partners and additional supports, the FRC will assure Lincoln County School children are safe, secure, healthy and well-educated. By decreasing truancy, unruly behaviors and other barriers, students have the encouragement to thrive along the path to High School graduation to become contributing citizens of their community.
Services Provided
Early Intervention Parenting Classes (EIP)
Moral Reconation Student Classes (MRT)
School Food Pantry
Anti-Vaping Education
Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Program
Hygiene Items
Truancy and Unruly Behaviour Resolution & Follow-Up
Family Needs & Supports
Community Service Partner Referrals
Clothing Items
School Supplies
Food & Food Distribution
Anti-Drug Coalition
Lincoln County Health Council
School STAR meeting facilitation
School Staff Partnerships
Juvenile Court
Utility Assistance
For More Information please contact Julie Miller, Lincoln County FRC Director
(931)433-6050 or jmiller@lcdoe.org