From an article titled "Close of the Graded School in a Highly Satisfactory Manner" in the October 30, 1884 edition of the Fayetteville Observer:
"The second term of Prof. Ed. S. Jones' school at this place closed Friday last by a highly satisfactory examination in the day time, and an intensely interesting exhibition and calisthenic drill at night.
The programme was long but well carried out by all the students, so much that I would like to mention all who participated in the same, did I not know that your space would not hold out; yet a few I must give: 'The ways of the World,' by Master Riley Young was heartily enjoyed by all. 'Leedle Yawcob Strauss' was admirably read by Mr. Lonnie Stewart. He received loud applause. 'The old clock,' by Miss Sarah Young, was exquisitely rendered. She did the echoing feature beautifully. 'Annie and Willie's prayer,' by Miss Lorena Cambron, was effectively recited. 'The creed of the bells,' by Letita Mims, was rendered in a manner long to be remembered. She distinguished herself by her elocutionary powers. Miss Mollie Young read 'the death of the flowers' very touchingly.
The entire programme was admirably executed and well received. The calisthenic drill was almost perfection itself.
The entertainment concluded by the entire school singing on their knees the beautiful hymn, "Jesus lover of my soul." The second verse was echoed, the effect was indescribable; we had the sweet low tones of childhood, with faces turned heavenward, and the scene lit up by gorgeous colored stage lights.
The performance being over Dr. M. J. Price, one of the leading men of the community, advanced to the centre of the stage and made a most beautiful speech warmly endorsing Prof. Jones. He concluded his remarks by bidding the Professor good-bye with a warm grasp of the hand. A hymn was struck up, and the large number of children marched around and shook hands with Prof. Jones, who responded to these tokens of love in a brief good-bye address to the children whom he loved so well.
1st prize, for conduct and attendance, awarded to Misses Letita Mims and Mary Sneed.
2nd, dictionary, to Miss Sarah Young.
3rd, spelling, to Misses Letita Mims, Belle Mials and Geo. Young.